Test_Click'Show saver by seleting it in the list and clicking test button (done automaticly)
End'Exit Program
End If
End Sub
Function Getwindowsdir () As String 'Borrowed from the example setup program that came with VB.
temp$ = String$(145, 0) ' Size Buffer
x = GetWindowsDirectory(temp$, 145) ' Make API Call
temp$ = Left$(temp$, x) ' Trim Buffer
If Right$(temp$, 1) <> "\" Then ' Add \ if necessary
Getwindowsdir$ = temp$ + "\"
Getwindowsdir$ = temp$
End If
End Function
Sub OK_Click ()
Open Getwindowsdir() + "SCRMBLER.DAT" For Output As #1'Open List file
If SCRtoUSE.ListCount > 0 Then
For Item% = 0 To SCRtoUSE.ListCount - 1
'Save List in sequential file
Print #1, SCRtoUSE.List(Item%)
End If
Close #1'Close File
End'Close Settings Window
End Sub
Sub Setting_Click ()
If SCRtoUSE.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub'If No Item Selected, cancel procedure
FileCopy Getwindowsdir() + SCRtoUSE.Text, "~LZLWLS.exe"'Copy file to an EXE file which can be used from VB, I just made up the name, It has no significance.
x% = Shell("~LZLWLS.exe /c", 1)'Run Saver in settings window.
While GetModuleUsage(x%) > 0'Check to see if program has terminated
Kill "~LZLWLS.exe"'Delete file
End Sub
Sub Test_Click ()
If SCRtoUSE.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub'If No Item Selected, cancel procedure
FileCopy Getwindowsdir() + SCRtoUSE.Text, "~LZLWLS.exe"'Copy file to an EXE file which can be used from VB, I just made up the name, It has no significance.
x% = Shell("~LZLWLS.exe /s", 1)'Run Saver.
While GetModuleUsage(x%) > 0'Check to see if program has terminated